Integrate Aweber with Vidpopup
Integrate Aweber with Vidpopup
Posted on : 30 Mar, 2022 | Last Update - 2 years ago
To integrate Aweber with Vidpopup:
1- Click on Integrations > Select Aweber
2- Click on "Click to Authorize your Aweber account" button
3-If you already have an Aweber account, you can just log in to your Aweber account > Allow access
4- In case you don't have an Aweber account, you can create one by signing up
5- Once you log in to your Aweber account, your will automatically authorize your account with Vidpopup.
6- In order to use Aweber for a specific Vidpopup project, click on Vidpopup > Choose your project > Click on Settings icon
7- Click on Advance and choose Aweber as your Integration
8- You can then add your List
9- In case you won't to remove your Aweber account, you can just Unauthozie your account in the Integrations "Aweber" page
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